Eurofighter News 

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Press Release

3 Min Read

Typhoons launch with new missile

RAF Typhoons launch for the first time with the Meteor Air-to-Air missile.

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4 Min Read


The battlespace of the future will be a highly-contested, networked environment with far greater integration of different assets. It’s an environment where Eurofighter, through the integration of new capability, will thrive, playing a leading role and countering future threats.

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11 Min Read

The Road to FCAS

Over the last 12 months Airbus Defence & Space has built an organisation to coordinate their burgeoning FCAS programme. In this edition of Eurofighter World we talk to Bruno Fichefeux who leads it, to find out about how they see the future battlespace taking shape.

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2 Min Read

Eurofighter Fleet Passes 500,000 Flying Hours

The Eurofighter fleet is celebrating after passing the 500,000 flying hours mark, as it cements its place at the heart of European air defence.

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Press Release

2 Min Read

Italian Eurofighter proposal submitted to Bulgaria

On 1st October Italy and Leonardo submitted their offer to the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence in response to the recent Request for Proposal for the acquisition of eight fighter aircraft to replace their ageing Mig fleet.

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6 Min Read

Striker II: The Game Changer

YEARS ahead of anything else available Striker II is a game changing piece of technology that’s destined to become a key enabler for the Eurofighter for decades to come.

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6 Min Read

All Eyes On The Prize

Back in March this year Paul Hitchcock hopped in a cab from Helsinki airport to the city centre. En route the driver asked him what he was doing in Finland and Paul explained he works in the aerospace industry. The driver mentioned Finland’s intention to buy new combat aircraft, immediately gave his passenger a perfect synopsis of the competition so far and provided an outline of the five runners and riders.

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Press Release

1 Min Read

Eurofighter Milestones: Tactical Air Wing 73 “Steinhoff” achieves 40,000 flying hours

In August Colonel Gero von Fritschen who is the Commodore based at the Laage Air Base in Northern Germany was proud to announce a special anniversary. The magical mark of 40.000 flying hours was accomplished without any incidents.

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3 Min Read

RAF plans to build on Centurion for future Eurofighter

EUROFIGHTER Typhoon will remain at the forefront of combat air capability in Europe for decades to come RAF Air Commodore Linc Taylor told media at a briefing at the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) on 13 July 2018.

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2 Min Read


Over the last 100 years the Royal Air Force has built up a world class reputation for excellence.

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7 Min Read


In the two years since its launch TyTAN (Typhoon Total Availability Enterprise) has proved a real success. The availability contract between the MOD, RAF and UK Industry is on track to meet its targets of driving down the cost of support so that the UK can invest in future capability elements. But it’s more than an efficiency drive — it’s transformed cultures too.

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4 Min Read

Marte ER Adds Capability Boost

Destined to form the backbone of air force fleets for decades to come, Eurofighter Typhoon has a well-planned Capability Road Map shaping the aircraft’s evolution which includes the integration of Storm Shadow, a deep strike cruise missile, Meteor, a beyond visual range air-to-air missile, and Brimstone, a precision attack missile.

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Press Release

2 Min Read

Eurofighter will be Natural Bridge to European FCAS

Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH CEO, Volker Paltzo, confirmed that an enhanced Eurofighter Typhoon would form a core part of any European future combat air system (FCAS), working hand in hand with any future European fighter programme – manned or unmanned.

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9 Min Read

Eurofighter in the Future Battlespace

Recent seismic geopolitical shifts and new and rapid technological developments require new approaches and solutions to cope with the changing environment. Volker Paltzo, CEO of Eurofighter GmbH, explains how the Eurofighter weapons system is evolving to meet emerging challenges, and maintain its advantage in the battlespace of the future. Clemens Linden, CEO of Eurojet GmbH, also talks about how the EJ-200 engine will be developed to support this evolution.

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5 Min Read

The Ultimate Customer Hotline

As the collective ‘brain trust’ behind the Eurofighter Typhoon, the International Weapon System Support Centre (IWSSC) is as crucial as it is unheralded.

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